अन्तराष्ट्रिय साझा मुद्धामा अध्यक्ष नेपालकाे टर्की समिटमा सम्बोधन

  Sampatti News

March 31, 2022

काठमाडौं- नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी एकीकृत समाजवादीका अध्यक्ष एवं पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री माधव कुमार नेपालले टर्कीको अंकारामा आयोजित ‘इको क्लाईमेट समिट’मा भाग लिनु भएकाे छ ।

उक्त सिमटमा अध्यक्ष नेपालले कि नोट स्पीकरका रुपमा सम्बोधन समेत गर्नुभएको छ ।

अध्यक्ष नेपाल पाँच दिने भ्रमणका लागि टर्कीको अंकारा प्रस्थान गर्नुभएकाे थियाे ।

उक्त कार्यक्रममा मुख्य वक्ताका रुपमा सम्बोधन गर्नुभएको अध्यक्ष नेपालले सम्बाेधनका क्रममा बिभिन्न अन्तराष्ट्रिय विषयलाई जोडका साथ उठाउनु भयाे ।

अध्यक्ष नेपालले सम्बोधनमा जलवायु परिवर्तन, बाली चक्रमा आएको परिवर्तन, भूमिको उत्पादकत्वमा कमी, खाद्य सुरक्षा जोखिम, जनसङ्ख्याको विस्थापन, भोकमरी, बहिष्कार र शोषण लगायतका विषयलाई जोडका साथ उठाउनुभएको छ ।

विकासोन्मुख र जोखिममा रहेका देशहरूको अवस्था र समस्या समाधानका उपायबारेमा पनि आफ्नो धारणा राख्नुभएको उहाँका स्वकीय सचिव मोहन गौतमले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

उक्त समिटमा कोलम्बियाको पूर्व राष्ट्रपति , मेसेडोनियाको पूर्व राष्ट्रपति, इन्डोनेशियाको पूर्व राष्ट्रपति तथा क्यानाडाको पूर्व उप प्रधानमन्त्री सहभागी रहनुभएको उहाँको सचिवालयले जनाएको छ । अध्यक्ष नेपाल आगामी चैत्र १९ गते स्वदेश फिर्ता हुने कार्यक्रम तय भएको छ ।

अध्यक्ष नेपालले दिनुभएको मन्तब्यको पूर्णपाठ :

Respected Chairperson,

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished delegates,

Champions of Climate Change Movements,

Esteemed Journalists,

Ladies and Gentlemen

  • I am extremely pleased to be in Ankara, the most beautiful and historic city of Turkey, that was declared the capital of the country by legendary leader of this country Kamal Ataturk almost a hundred years ago. Besides being a major agricultural, industrial and commercial center of the country, it is quite appropriate that this flourishing capital city that has earned the privilege of being the green city should be asked to host the Economy and Climate Change Summit 2022 with a focus on “Green Movement” along with the most relevant arrangement of the world’s first climate fair. At the outset, I wish Ankara all success in its bid to become a capital of “green development and green employment”.
  • It is my rare privilege to represent the people of Nepal at this summit in the sense that I bring the message of goodwill and fraternity from the land of Mount Sagarmatha, the highest peak of the world in the Himalayas as well as birthplace of Gautam Buddha, the apostle of peace, non-violence and universal fraternity, to all the delegates and participants at this conference and to all friendly people of Turkey who have received us with such warmth of hospitality since our arrival here. We also note with satisfaction the endeavours made by the Government of Turkey to promote dialogue between Russia and Ukraine with a view to resolving the bllody conflict that has resulted in huge losses on both human and material terms. As a peace-loving country, Nepal wishes these efforts all success.
  •  For countries like Nepal, climate change has become a phenomenon of life and death in the sense that global warming and other negative aspects of climate change have badly impacted our fragile Himalayas that provide lifeline to over a billion people in our region. This reality is reflected on the critical importance we are compelled to attach on timely and effective mitigation and adaptation measures inlcuding resilient interventions to reverse the perilous trend that has threatened security and livelihood of tens of millions of people. For us in Nepal, climate change disasters are not simply a matter of theoretical discussion but a dangerous reality.Besides being symbols of our civilization, Himalayas are a global treasure and a storehouse of both unique biodiversity and cultural tapestry.

Distinguished Friends and Participants,

  • The globe is already experiencing recurring impact of climate change disasters in the form of rapid glacier melting and outburst, desertification, flash floods, landslide and droughts. We are also encountering change in crop cycle and reduced productivity of land and increasing food security risk resulting in increased displacement, hunger, exclusion and exploitation of the affected population.The poorer and underprivileged sections of the population in the majority of developing and vulnerable countries are at the receiving end of the biggest impact of climate change-related disasters posing threat to their very survival.
  • In the global race of making quick and easy money, arms trade and spending on wars, eco-inappropriate consumerism, excessive exploitation of fossil fuel and natural resources ultimately contribute to further widening the rich-poor divide. The endless human greed is not only making the life difficult to live for the people with less means, but also posing a big threat to nature and life on earth.
  • Coming back to countries like Nepal, we see a lot of possibilities in copingup with ‘Climate Change Effects’ through optimum use of ‘green development and green economy’.  But we face huge hurdles in the sense that we lack enough resources and appropriate technology to confront negative impact of climate change. I am reminded of the historic Sagarmatha Declaration that Nepal issued on the eve of UN Climate Conference COP 9 as a result of the cabinet meeting we had on December 04, 2009 under my premiership at Kalapaththar located at the foot of the world’s highest peak to highlight the critical importance of climate change for a country like Nepal.
  • There is a pressing need to not only adopt development policies sensitive to withstand climate change impact, but also pool human and technical resources with a view to confronting climate change more vigorously. Climate financing as a major component of development financing may be one area necessitating our focus and attention.   The mismatch between demand and supply in terms of climate financing is obvious and stark. As if the prevailing problems and challenges were not already enough, the world has passed through difficult periods of manifold nature including COVID-19 global pandemic resulting in heavy losses of both human beings and pressures on world economy with disastrous impact on the lives of less resourceful and vulnerable groups.

Excellencies, Esteemed Friends and Delegates,

  • While much has been talked, commitments are made, and actions taken, some of us still need to make our fresh commitments and take collective actions.  I strongly feel that it is high time that we reflected back on what we preach and what we practice, and focus primarily on early delivery of promises.It is necessary to access what commitments were made, what we have delivered and what we have achieved so far, who is walking together and who is left behind. This reflection will help us to take decisions towards our future strategies and actions on the issue of climate change.
  • While there is an urgent duty on the part of governments to adopt strategies to confront negative impact of climate change, there is absolutely no doubt that the private sector has a primary role to promote economy and development as it is the major driver of economy and development. It is in this aspect that the private sector has a critical role in conributing to climate change resilience and mitigation and adaptation process. It is high time that the private sector gave enough importance to such cross-cutting issues like climate change and other matters of global concern rather than be bogged down in other traditional areas of discipline.
  • I strongly believe that there is urgent need for human beings and nature to co-exist in total harmony to prevent disaster and consequences of our irresponsible acts against nature. It is, therefore, in the fitness of things that it is not nature that has to change but the human beings who should be very sensitive to nature with a view to promoting global harmony between Homo sapiens and nature that provides sustenance and resilience. In this context, I feel that this ‘Economy and Climate Change Summit’ is going to take lead on the discussion and discourse of our actions towards promoting interdependency between Economy and Climate Change, and also highlight the need and potential of the private sector on this issue.
  • To conclude, coming from a nature-gifted but highly vulnerable country like Nepal, I wish to express my full solidarity with the global intiatives towards climate change resilience and mitigation and adaptation measures with a view to promoting a win-win situation for both humans and natural environment. With these words, I wish the organizers all success in their most laudable endeavours of promoting green economy and reversing negative impact of climate change.
  • I wish to thank the wonderful audience for its rapt attention and patience.
  • Thank you all.

प्रकाशित मिति:March 31, 2022